new song at soundfix / traincrying
yesterday, on the whole, was hard.
in addition to dealing with the Record Label on artistic differences (can you call them that when it doesn’t even have to do with art?), finding out that because of mismanagement and other pretty things that i am now tens of thousands of dollars more in debt than i had assumed (ouch), i broke what neil gaiman thinks may be the world record for CD-signing (3000 in under 2 hours) and i also broke the piano at the instore in brooklyn. the PA didn’t sound so good, i used the piano and a hammer split in two. rock and roll. i remedied the problem (before the cops cam and shut us down: rock and roll x 5!) by playing my ukulele. if you live in brooklyn and want soundfix to keep doing in-stores, get vocal about it with your local government.
jason webley came, and we were just about 1 minute into a song together when they shut us down.
sxip shirey was there, he & jason are working on a record together. sxip ran the soundboard. i was so happy to see them.
they had chimay at the bar.
when we were done and went home to beth’s to keep furiously signing, beth became convinced she’d left her bag full of cameras and iphones and thousands of dollars in cash in the back of a cab. she cried. i furiously signed CDs and reminded her that the worst thing that could happen is we’d lose a shit ton of money and we were already broke. nobody dies. i signed CDs until I had to run like mad to catch the last train out of new york.
i was so tired by the time i got on the train alone to new haven at 1:58 that i fell asleep on my ukulele case on the metro north.
the train conductor came by and woke me up and charged me $19 for the ticket.
i gave him a twenty.
he saw my ukulele case and asked me if I had played a show.
yeah, i did.
was it good?
yeah, i said, it was good.
he said: give me that dollar back.
i did.
and he handed me back my twenty-dollar bill.
he walked away and i lay my head back down on the seat and had a good sobbing cry for about two minutes.
he woke me up again when we got to new haven. when i got off the train i hugged him.
beth found her bag.
random photo dept, courtesy of beth:
with sean slade, producer extraordinaire, and his GF’s gorgeous daughter outside the newbury comics instore the other day.
lee driving us up to portland the next day:
at the portland mac store, deciding whether the hype is REAL…..
i touched….and then…..
i believed.
i am now the proud owner of an iPhone, and so are beth and steven. party.
last night, at beth’s, when we had both just lost our shit.
thanks to dave for letting us make such a fucking mess in his living room:
here’s a clip from soundfix last night of my new ukulele song.
i’m proud mostly because i hadn’t written a song in over a year.
so. i wrote this song in london a few weeks ago after getting an email from my mother that they were finally going to take steps to sell the house i grew up in.
i love the house. it was hard news. i was waiting for steven to come over and get dinner. i cried on the bathroom floor. it was cold. times were rough. etc.
enjoy, & mind you that THIS was the song before the cops came. we sure were loud.
thank you to the wonderful person who posted this. it’s beautiful.
as of now untitled.
“dear old house that i grew up in” is nice but sort of long. “dear old house” sounds too NPR.
suggestions welcome.
reviews are going well.
i understand more and more why some people just don’t read them.
it’s harrowing.
p.s. for you blogger types who are commenting on dresdendolls.com/diary….soon i will be shifting the whole blog & archives over to amandapalmer.net.
start changing your bookmarks now but i’ll give you warning before i actually make the switch. i’ll still be cross-posting the blog on myspace.