MONA-ing (moan-a-ing?) right along…(tune in tonight)
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(public post)
love from outside the mona museum.
have i mentioned here how fucking grateful i am to get to live in a museum for a week? espeically a museum like THIS…a museum of sex and death with no labels on ANYTHING. it’s perfect. i can’t wait for tonight’s show. both are sold out, and i’m playing in the same gallery that i recorded in the other night. i’m living a bohemian fantasy at the moment. plus there is a vineyard so everyone is always trying to give me wine.
back to biz – THANK YOU so much, my god, for all the imput and advice and contacts in the last thread re: asia/africa/europe/refugee/what…i’ve been going through EVERYTHING… https://www.patreon.com/posts/8045648… and responded to a ton of you.
i think the top of the list right now is probably GREECE – lesbos in particular, it looks like we have enough contacts and ideas, it’s easy to get to, there are some smaller orgs there that could hopefully use the signal boost…STAY TUNED. shit is afoot. things will be done. things will be thinged. you will be called upon to go on this adventure with us, so….yeah. life. in. realtime.
SPEAKING OF WHICH…my misadventures on periscope from the mona museum the other night have been viewed by 80k people, leaving me distraught that i was so tipsy (lies) but ACTUALLY sorry that the lighting was SO TERRIBLE. so i’m going to try to make up for that TONIGHT AT THE GIG by wielding my phone before the show starts and doing a FACEBOOK LIVE stream. yes, i hate facebook, and i will still use their tools. and then perhaps before the show TOMORROW, i will periscope.
so tonight (around 7:30/8pm hobart time – which is in about 5 hours from NOW) tune into facebook and watch for a feed. i’ll also tweet a link to the live feed.
just tune in here: https://www.facebook.com/amandapalmer , and/or watch twitter for a link.
hinjinks are coming.
i love you
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