THE DRESDEN DOLLS tickets are now publicly available…
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(public post)
hello loves….
first off – THANK YOU for all the wonderful feedback on the jherek/city winery bowie webcast. i’m so glad you dug it….
and NOW….
the dresden dolls tickets went onsale to the general public this morning at 10 am EST and i’m proud to say they’re more than halfway sold out, which is incredible.
PLEASE, PLEASE, if you can, grab this poster image and spread the link (smarturl.it/DD2016 ) and the love around. facebook is being a bitch and reach over there is plummeting (for every artist and writer i know who has a public page, which is a sad topic for another day.)
but we need to GET THE WORD OUT about these shows – so PLEASE TELLLLL PEOPLE. post it on FB, twitter, email friends, call grandpa.
while we’re at it, if i may ask….take a close, loving look at this gorg-e-ous fecking show poster we commissioned from sarah beetson (if you recognize her style, it’s because she also did the “strung out in heaven” bowie artwork). i tapped her for this particular project because i simply HAD to when i thought about the coney island connection. sarah is a brit who also spends time in australia and i once supported this crowdfunded art project she did called “sarah beetsons coney island dream” (she raised a few grand to do a 3-month long art residency there…to just CREATE…and it was beautiful, go see the ol’ video if you want to see what sarah looks like in person, i guarantee you wont’ be disappointed).
we’ll definitely be printing up these posters and selling them at the shows and we’ll try to do a big enough run to also make some available to you guys stuck in finland and wherever. (someone on twitter this morning in finland was sad. a lot of people are asking us if we’re planning to play more shows…and the answer is, for right now, no, but the future is very long.)
and now…to prepare thee set list.
any requests??
if you’re a patron reading this in email format, you know the drill…click through to comment. and a final reminder to SHARE THE DOLLS SHOWS. smarturl.it/DD2016. k.
i love you guys.