the new video for “MOTHER”. please watch/listen. (official thing)
(public post)
hello my loves.
this is the new song and video. it feels like christmas.
i am not going to write a lot here because there is A LOT written on the project page – endless photos and story and love went into this one.
go now:
large screen. darkness if possible. headphones if possible. tissues.
i cannot tell you what this one means to me; hopefully it will speak for itself.
i need you to share this one. it’s a…complicated video. it is not black and white.
i trust you to take it to the world with the right hands and heart. you will know how to do that.
please share it, share it, share it. you will light this on fire.
share the project page link, or share the youtube/vimeo link direct if you think it will get more interest from your peeps. i’m also going to be tweeting and facebooking up a storm today. you can always go to my feeds and share from there.
i. love. you.
thank you for holding my hand.
$3+ download tier patrons, you’ll be getting your download links for both the song and the video shortly.
later this week i’ll be sending the $5+/bonus-content patrons a collection of beautiful behind-the-scene photos as shot by photographer krys fox. (if you’re not yet in the $5+ tiers, you can increase your pledge before thursday to get those photos.)
AND I AM WEBCASTING TOMORROW and IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL SO EVERYBODY WATCH. the whole recording of the show will be thing’d and archived by the end of the month.
we will be playing this song and a lot of other stuff that will make you think and cry.
we’ll kick things off at 7pm GMT (london) // 2pm EST (new york) we’ll stream the new video and start with jherek’s set at 7:30, then i go on at 8:15pm with jherek + strings joining me.
tune in tomorrow/THURSDAY, HERE:
that’s all.
1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.
2. see All the Things i’ve made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things
3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland
4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: