really nice community offer from a beautiful sydney yoga studio…..
so, the other day in sydney, i was on my morning jog, and my random get-lost-and-retrace-your-jogging-steps led me by this amazing-looking little yoga studio. it wasn’t even on a real road, it was off a path in the botantic gardens i made a mental note to google it when i got home and the next day, i timed my jog to stop by an hour-long class at 12:30.
i was the only person to attend the class. which was nuts.
the teacher, honza, was an incredible czech guy who led me through a fantastic hour of practice with beautiful songs shuffling around on his iPod…one, towards the end of the practice, was so beautiful i had to interrupt us and ask what it was (it was “yellow light” by of monsters and men).
one entire side of the room is full glass and overlooks the dock action. it was mistily raining, and to look up from every pose and see the storm moving across the water, the birds landing on the ledge and shaking themselves dry, the sky an ever-changing painting…it gifted me one of the best yoga practices i’d ever had, and honza was an inspiring teacher. i couldn’t believe the place wasn’t packed.
it turns out he and his partner have JUST taken over management of this incredible space, which is owned by the local council and is zoned for yoga and pilates, a mere WEEK AGO. they’re trying to drum up business, so i offered to reach out to the sydney fanbase to let them know about it. he took a couple of shots of me at the end of the practice….
god the light was beautiful.
he generously offered that if anybody wants to come by and drop my name, he’ll offer you two weeks of classes for free. (that’s amazing).
so go…and when you achieve toned enlightenment, thank me, betches.
the studio is called YOGA BEYOND:
1C Mrs Macquaries Road
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
google maps that shit
+61 439 691 591
their facebook
it is a little weird to find so leave yourself time. and if you’re anal like me, call ahead of time and make sure the class you’re planning on hitting is happening.
if you’re local and know the botanic gardens, it’s on the east side, in the same complex as those beautiful outdoor swimming pools/cafe.
here’s the studio WITH PEOPLE IN IT!
namaste motherfuckers
(and if you’re in sydney, share this offer with your yogic/yoga-curious friends)