WE ARE ONE! and now, MACHETE: a song that contains multitudes.
this blog was originally posted to patreon. sign up here to read blogs first!
(public post! $3+ patrons, you have a separate email coming soon, with download links!)
hola my loves.
it’s THING #11. and my proudest Thing to date. i’m so happy right now.
the link that takes you to the project page – where you can listen on bandcamp read the whole long story – is at the bottom of this.
the beautiful photo you see is by allan amato, and it’s the official cover image for the the song.
i stayed up til almost 5 am in the morning, austin time, writing the whole background to this song, and i hope you read before listening…or after listening if you wanna go in cold. trust me: it will make the song better.
jherek and i were talking about the stories of the songs, and how we live in this strange world where the songs mostly just stand for themselves. but i think that the story, the backstory, is almost as important as the song itself – it tells you what you’re listening to. it’s the wine with the food, or the 3D glasses for the movie. i’m too tired to get clever. please, just read it before you listen. the song will still be good if you don’t, but anyway.
i’m alone here at thor’s house, and there was a brutal lightening and thunderstorm last night while i wrote, the baby’s first big storm, and all the dogs hid, and i like to think that all the weather that’s affected this song isn’t coincidental.
i think anthony’s in it, wielding his machete and saying hello.
saying he loves us.
last night, a patron (janelle) tweeted me an image to point out to me that today, march 9th, is THE ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY OF PATREON.
dudes, i couldn’t have planned this all better if i tried.
i’m breaking apart with gratitude and happiness and luckiness right now.
my son is sitting on a dog bed and we’re listening to the light rain on the roof, i have a coffee that thor hand-ground which is propping me up after only three hours of sleep, and i have over 7,000 people who believe in my ability to make music so much that i could bring six musicians and three recording engineers into two sonic spaces and create something as magical as what you’re about to hear.
too little sleep, folks…..i just cried writing that.
please know…what we are doing here is crazy, and special, and unprecedented, and i expect it’s only going to get better and better. and better. and better.
if i can make THIS, what else can i make?
almost ready?
WHEN YOU SHARE, and oh my god do i need you to share this one, PLEASE USE THE BIT.LY we created!
copy and paste far and wide. let’s see what we can do with only us, people.
WE ARE THE MEDIA. it’s as real as we make it.
let’s make it real. after you listen, SHARE!!! SHARE!!! SHARE EVERYWHERE. write a review on your facebook or twitter, send emails to friends, tell people “I AM AMANDA PALMER’S PATRON AND LOOK WHAT SHE FUCKIN MADE, AGGHHHH!!!”
WE ARE ONE. whether you are supporting me at $1 or $100 – LOOK AT WHAT WE ARE DOING!
ok more coffee time
p.s. all patrons: you’ll get another email shortly…$3+ people with codes, and *all ya’ll* with a special patron-only link to order one of the 1,000 linen prints (200 signed & hand numbered) of the beautiful poster we made out of the allan amato artwork. watch for it.
p.p.s for the truly helpful hardcore: ….stereogum premiered this about AN HOUR AGO. even though i’m sending all this traffic to my website, if you want to do me a favor, GO SEE WHAT THEY POSTED! i wrote a very different short story for the public. their link is at the top of the page. or here: http://www.stereogum.com/1864473/amanda-palmer-machete-stereogum-premiere/mp3s/