keep amaze and carry balls? help. also, news flash: occupy boston TODAY at 4 pm!!!!!
hola comrades!!
two quick pieces of news….
thing 1, for AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND: THE DRESDEN DOLLS ARE COMING FOR YOU!!!! i am working on a massive blog’o’info ‘bout it, but MONA FOMA announced we’re playing and i wanted you to know it is in fact HAPPENING. there’s a dolls’ facebook event for MONA FOMA here, and an AFP event here (which’ll list out all of the dates as we get them confirmed). more SOON…
thing 2, for ALL YOU BOSTON-AREA COMRADES!!!!! i’m playing #OCCUPYBOSTON TODAY AT 4 PM! come into boston if you’re a few hours drive away. LEAVE WORK AND COME JOIN US. dewey square, across from south station’s main entrance.
red line on the subway. COME. bring a tent.
i have no idea what is going to happen other than the fact that i will hang and play ukulele for the assembled peoples. i will report. here’s what the herald said, this morning.
now, in the memetime.
i haven’t made a new shirt in several months.
i feel it’s been too long.
i woke up the other day with “Keep Bees and Carry Spraypaint” in my meme-ridden head, Memey McMemepants.
there’s a great GENERATOR that will simply churn these out so you can preview!!!!
check it: http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk
so my original idea looks thusly:
i was on a ROLL dude
then a quick poll of twitter and throwing the idea of “keep bees and carry spraypaint” yielded these other ideas…..
and one that i’m strangely in love with….
(from @LoraxCeci)
hit me with your vote:
Your browser doesn’t support iFrames You can still vote in this poll <a href=”http://twtpoll.com/kp5ynk” _mce_href=”http://twtpoll.com/kp5ynk” title=”here” target=”_blank”>here</a>, though!
or if you got some better ideas, leave ‘em in the comments.
if you give me some good ideas, perhaps i’ll post a round two and then we’ll whittle it down to finalists!!!
the winner will definitely get a box of these fucking shirts in every size.
i think the back will simply say, in small text: this public service announcement brought to you by amanda f**cking palmer.
i just thought of another one.
somebody mentioned the glitter. who was that? fuck.
ah, @beguilingmerlin. this, inspired:
memewhile….here’s some inspiration.
neil took this one a few months ago….
and here we go….
(sent to me by @adamhardix, who made it)
this one wins in so many ways:
i’m not sure whose side we’re on here:
as a pacman fan, i am touched:
and this one simply wins first prize for absolute randomness: