hola comrades of boston + surrounding area pummeled in snow!
snowy enough for you? are you enjoying the snow? would you like some snow with your snow?
if you, like me, are buried under five feet of agony, i send you strength.
snow. seriously. i am done with the snow.
enough with the fucking snow.
what a weird word, anyway.
news! i’m going to be announcing a small USA tour in about a week. heads up. it’ll be early april.
and meanwhile…i cannot sit still and a Thing happened, so i have two shows coming up in BEAUTIFUL SOMERVILLE, MA.
long story kinnnnda short: i’ve been kicking around boston/cambridge these weeks, exhausted from the year of manic-book-writing and subsequent touring.
i ran into a friend of mine JJ, who i know because her sister is claudia gonson from The Magnetic Fields. she’s a CHEF and started her dream catering company: an amazing local-organo-farm-to-table outfit called “cuisine en locale”:
cuisineenlocale.com (they even do CSA-style food delivery as a healthy alternative to standard take-out, if you’re local, go look. they are AWESOME).
she needed a catering space with a good kitchen, and found this bizzar-o old function hall in somerville and bought it…and is now hosting punk bands and other random events every so often:
….it just so happens this joint is HALF A BLOCK away from my first shitty apartment in somerville. those was the olden days, kids. i was making money as an ice-cream-scooper/barista and a living statue and my rent was $300 a month. there was almost no heat, and the neighborhood was a dive. it’s cleaning up!
the old-man pub that used to be downstairs is even serving micro-brewed beer and schmancy cocktails. the world, it is changing!!
so even though i wasn’t planning on doing boston shows this month: i CANNOT RESIST A PUNK FUNCTION HALL. i booked the hall for two nights. i am excited.
i figure i’ll try out some new material, do some experimental performance art, sing some covers from “jesus christ superstar” on zither, you know, the usual. also, there will be AMAZING FOOD. and i am going to concoct (no shit!) some house cocktails at the bar with some local elderflower liqueur in them.
so, you should come. wear something weird. i will be sporting a new kimono.
AND my new favorite band, PWR BTTM, is opening up.
if you saw “the bed show” at bard, you saw my bassist and drummer: ben and oliver. that’s them. PWR BTTM is their own amazing duo and you will LOVVVVE them.
they just got a wonderful write-up in stereogum HERE.
check out their music HERE on bandcamp.
the shows are on two consecutive thursdays:
two nights only @ cuisine en locale
FEB 26th (7:00pm)
MARCH 5th (7:00pm)
tickets for this are going to go fast, because, you know, small and weird. they’ll go ON SALE friday Feb 13th at 12:00 NOON EST (night 1 will be here, night 2 will be here) and when they’re gone they’re gone. i suggest coming BOTH NIGHTS if you possible can…the sets will be different.
and expect the unexpected. we need to get our freak on.
team afp
this is the current state of the insane snow in boston. I shared this to Facebook the other day and Rachael R offered up a brilliant suggestion…
snow beer!!