
twitter & the beautiful losers: #LOFNOTC
so, this is a mostly a blog about the power of twitter.
as most of you know, i’ve become obsessed with twitter and what it can do. i’m not the only one. trent reznor is obsessed, neil gaiman is obsessed.
the sickness is catching.
last friday i was supposed to clean out my apartment and my email inbox and posted a twat to my fellow Losers Of Friday Night On Their Computers (aka LOFNOTC) that read:
9:15 PM May 15th from web
one thing led to another, and the next thing you know there were thousands of us and we’d become the #1 topic trend on twitter.
zoë keating described it as a “virtual flash mob”.
the way twitter works (if you don’t have it) is that certain topics can include a hashtag (#) and if a gazillion people start making posts that include that hashtag, the topic will zoom up the charts of what people are currentl discussing. it’s a cool feature. for insanace, on sunday when i started writing this, the #1 topic trend is #3turnoffwords, and people were posting things like:
Inkspot_77 #3turnoffwords, you finished yet?
less than 20 seconds ago from Tweetie
reidsan #3turnoffwords bros before hos!
4 minutes ago from TwitterFox
essencerenata #3turnoffwords “I’m too tired”
2 minutes ago from web
s3gro3g50 #3turnoffwords – “I have crabs”
less than 20 seconds ago from web
staticfish #3turnoffwords I’m a republican.
5 minutes ago from Tweetie
for those of you still not familiar with the way twitter works, it’s basically a simple status update. posts are limited to 140 characters and must therefore be very very brief.
so when you read the long thread below and you see a post that starts with an @ (i.e. @ifuckedyourmom) that means that i am letting other people on twitter know that i am repsonding to something that @ifuckedyourmom wrote.
when you see something that says “RT”, it means “re-tweet”, in otherwords, a cut and paste of something that some else has posted.
so here, xXHotsauceXx is forwarding along something that @elixaday wrote.
xXHotSauceXx #3turnoffwords RT @elixaday pay me now
8 minutes ago from web
so anyway, there we were, on twitter on a friday night.
we hung out for two hours, came up with a list of things that the government should do for us, created a t-shirt (thank god sean was awake and being a loser with me because he throw up the webpage WHILE we were having our twitter party and people started ordering the shirts – that i designed in SHARPIE in realtime) and a slogan: “DON’T STAND UP FOR WHAT’S RIGHT, STAY IN FOR WHAT’S WRONG” (thanks emilyn brodsky).
and basically had a real-time party on the fucking internet. we ended with a long toast to the power of friday night loserdom and drank virtual wine togehter (well, i know MY wine was real. and tasty).
so holy shit, it’s just so awesome that these things happen. you can read the entire history of #LOFNOTC below, in order of what happened. by the end of the night, the whole thing had been picked up in some news stories (supermaw, for example) and we had a few celebrity losers join us (including bob lefsetz and wil wheaton…so awesome. neil gaiman joined us, but i don’t count him as a celebrity anymore now that i know he can’t cook trout).
needless to say, i did not clean or get any fucking work done.
ironicallym the next night hosted a party
if you want one of the t-shirts, they are $25 and that includes shipping ANYWHERE in the world. we’ll print them up in about a week and they’ll look something like THIS:
we’ve actually turned to YOU, the #LOFNOTC army, to help us choose what color the shirt should be. you can vote (and purchase) HERE…currently (5/22 8:05PM EST) “black” is winning (so if you have something to say about that vote while you still can).
we’ve sold just over 250 through twitter alone. i can’t believe this shit. now i have rent money (and i needed it).
we gave the 100th orderer a pile of AFP/dolls CDs and we gave the 200th orderer (frozentech) the infamous wine-soaked-toast-goodbye note:
plans are to give the 300th order the original sharpie drawing of the shirt back & 400th, the drawing used for the front. if we don’t get that high, i’ll mail to the Louvre.
that’s it. i’m going offline for a week in an explosion of luddite light. actually, by the time you read this i’ll already be gone (this blog is being written for THE FUTURE).
i love you guys. so much.
wait, except this week.
ok, anyway.
fuck it.
p.s. AND if this has finally won you over to the dark side and you want to follow me on twitter, go HERE and start an account. then go to twitter.com/amandapalmer, click the button labeled “Follow Me” and – voilà! – you’re all set. you’ll also notice some links to random folks’ twitters i follow sprinkled throughout this blog so you can follow them, too.
as some of you have gathered, this isn’t/hasn’t been a normal week since i’ve been/will be offline. beth and sean (@indeciSEAN, over there) have been posting up news and links for me till i get back. enjoy #LOFNOTC tonight without me. i’ll be there in spirit!
the transcript from http://twitter.com/amandapalmer:
9:15 PM May 15th from web
@mindnumbing YES. you are hereby designated the FRIDAY NIGHT LOSERS CLUB minutes-taker.
9:22 PM May 15th from web in reply to mindnumbing
holy shit…judging from replies there’s like 200 of us in the LOFNOTC. what has become of rock n roll? what is wrong with us? i feel shame.
9:24 PM May 15th from web
@Mattwyllie NO. losers on their iPhones DON’T COUNT. you have to be at home, sitting on your ass, pref. in sweatpants, like @Certain_Songs
9:27 PM May 15th from web in reply to Mattwyllie
jesus. i take that back. there’s like 500 of us. @neilhimselfhas agreed to join our club. he’s online and definitely a LOFNOHC.
9:29 PM May 15th from web
@flickeringICE you need NO EXCUSE to be in the fucking club. exams, finals, illness or just pure loserdom. we’re a non-exclusive bunch.
9:42 PM May 15th from web in reply to flickeringICE
@GrumpyPig yes. losers up early on saturday morning in australia can join. what the fuck are you doing up on a saturday morning? loser.
9:43 PM May 15th from web in reply to GrumpyPig
@undeadbydawn dead serious. we’re non-partisan. come one and all. this is the new america. give us your tired, your poor huddled masses…
9:44 PM May 15th from web in reply to undeadbydawn
@litrock our club is an IRONIC club. of course we know we’re not REAL losers. the REAL losers are out at awful clubs trying to get laid.
9:45 PM May 15th from web in reply to litrock
@musingsofaraven stuck at work counts as loserdom. welcome!!!
9:45 PM May 15th from web in reply to musingsofaraven
@neilhimself anyone can be drafted into the losers club by a fellow loser. and note: you’re twittering, you’ve just outed yourself, neil.
9:47 PM May 15th from web in reply to neilhimself
we now number in the thousands! we could change government policy! but what should we change? how are friday night losers disenfranchised?
9:48 PM May 15th from web
@WHRWpenguins i nominate you the head of the search committee for the board of directors of LOFNOTC. go!
9:49 PM May 15th from web in reply to WHRWpenguins
ok….jesus. whos’ taking minutes?? you’re going too fast. 1) pizza prices must be reduced 2)net neutrality 3) no tax on imported coffee
9:52 PM May 15th from web
@Bill_H NO. you cannot join our fucking club if you’re at a fucking rock show. did you really need to ask me that, bill? (what show?)
9:53 PM May 15th from web in reply to Bill_H
@oscardewinter FTW:”I managed to go out, get crunk, dance a storm, kiss a boy, make a full english AND log on. How’d you like them apples?”
9:54 PM May 15th from web in reply to oscardewinter
4) free doctor pepper for everyone 5) no tax on tea, wine, vodka 6) free kittens (?) 7) free arts & crafts supplies for every member
9:56 PM May 15th from web
@WHRWpenguins this luddite AFP does not know how that fuckign hashtag things works. someone else set it up. i’m an idiot.
9:56 PM May 15th from web in reply to WHRWpenguins
@Valkyrie_NYC no, no, no. if we REDUCE movie ticket prices our club will LOSE MOMENTUM. we need to raise cost of all live entertainment.
9:57 PM May 15th from web in reply to Valkyrie_NYC
8) free ponies for all memebrs (thank you @_becca)
9:59 PM May 15th from web
@zoecello as long as you’re PLANNING on being a loser at home all night, you can join our club regardless of the time change. welcome!!!
9:59 PM May 15th from web in reply to zoecello
@johnpoulos agreed. @trent_reznor should be treasurer. he’s prob playing a show now but as soon as it’s over, we know where he’s headed.
10:01 PM May 15th from web in reply to johnpoulos
9) No more blinky, eyesore ads on web pages 10) free cake 11) government-issued members-only sweatpants
10:02 PM May 15th from web
@chellychelly nice!!!! 12) free macbooks for all members of LOFNOTC
10:03 PM May 15th from web in reply to chellychelly
@duckduckCus totally. #LOFNOTC uber alles!!!! i swear, we keep this up and we’ll be BIGGER than LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE.
10:04 PM May 15th from web in reply to duckduckCus
13) free broadband!!!! 14) comfy slippers!!!! 15) free concert tickets to all concerts on saturday!!!! 16) free llamas!!!! #LOFNOTC
10:05 PM May 15th from web
RT: “zlyoga@amandapalmer we need a club house. I vote for taking over an Ikea”. WIN. we will take over their coffee lounge & all outlets.
10:07 PM May 15th from web
oops. 12) free love #LOFNOTC
10:08 PM May 15th from web
this will go down in history as the night i didn’t want to clean my apartment and therefore took over the internet by accident. #LOFNOTC
10:09 PM May 15th from web
17) free indian take-out 18) booze available at all ikea outlets #LOFNOTC
10:10 PM May 15th from web
@_becca ok. i appoint you head of ministry of music. you have to pick the official #LOFNOTC theme song. votes may be cast by the assembly.
10:11 PM May 15th from web
@zoecello those not embracing the true inner friday loserness of their friday loserdom don’t know what theyre missing. it’s a CULT. #LOFNOTC
10:12 PM May 15th from web in reply to zoecello
@MykalBurns you’re right. it’s FRIDAY NIGHT and there’s nobody else around to take over the internet!! quick before they find us! #LOFNOTC
10:13 PM May 15th from web in reply to MykalBurns
@RobKaas @_becca is finding anthem. anybody who thought they had a thesis to write tonight is FUCKED. you must twitter. ALL HAIL #LOFNOTC
10:14 PM May 15th from web in reply to RobKaas
@MKTitsworth oh my god you’re right. huge oversight. 19) free internet porn for ALL members #LOFNOTC
10:15 PM May 15th from web in reply to MKTitsworth
20) government-issue members-only kimonos and etched martini glasses #LOFNOTC
10:16 PM May 15th from web
everybody re-tweet this: it’s official. IN IS THE NEW OUT. all hail #LOFNOTC
10:17 PM May 15th from web
RT: (@_becca) invented theme song: “i could have danced all night (but i didn’t, so i’m here)” #LOFNOTC
10:18 PM May 15th from web
@bethofalltrades no i’m not DRINKING for fucks sake. i’m PROCRASTINATING. i’ll start drinking when we hit 3,000 members. #LOFNOTC
10:19 PM May 15th from web in reply to bethofalltrades
or RT this: if you hadn’t noticed, EVERYBODY COOL is hanging out at @amandapalmer’s “LOSERS OF FRIDAY NIGHT ON THEIR COMPUTERS” #LOFNOTC
10:22 PM May 15th from web
@Kris_is_rad yes, we can take over the world. we’ve already come up with a list of 20 things the government needs to do for us. #LOFNOTC
10:24 PM May 15th from web in reply to Kris_is_rad
RT: @__lyssamazing I have a feeling that #LOFNOTC is going to turn into another Heaven’s Gate cult. The IKEACOMET will be our HALE BOPP.
10:26 PM May 15th from web
am i the only one who is very excited that twitter is the last bastion of privacy from our mothers? this all runs very deep. #LOFNOTC
10:27 PM May 15th from web
21) Personal masseuses for all members. 22) grilled cheese deemed healthy by the fda (thanks to @IHeartJBeckett) #LOFNOTC
10:28 PM May 15th from web
@SophieFumbles everybody at this meeting must drink the mandatory kool aid. #LOFNOTC
10:30 PM May 15th from web in reply to SophieFumbles
i nominate morrissey as our actual founder. can someone let him know?#LOFNOTC
10:31 PM May 15th from web
our clan motto is “i would go out tonight, but i haven’t got a stitch to wear”. unless someone can think of better morrissey lyric. #LOFNOTC
10:32 PM May 15th from web
@Alexia561 you’ll have to ask THE GOVERNMENT for your free cake, kimono and kitten. #LOFNOTC
10:33 PM May 15th from web in reply to Alexia561
“mr. president, where do you stand on the outstanding demands of the #LOFNOTC?” reports say that they plan to storm the white house and…
10:35 PM May 15th from web
RT: @jlandonw Home w/ your computer on a Fri night? So is @amandapalmer. But she started a club.What’ve you done with your night? #LOFNOTC
10:38 PM May 15th from web
i can’t even be a loser without starting a club. i’m a born club-starter. why do you think i started a fucking band? for the MUSIC? #LOFNOTC
10:39 PM May 15th from web
wait. RT: @1to10 “stop trying to make yourself seem sexier than you really are”. do you realize i just started #LOFNOTC? i’m THE anti-sexy.
10:40 PM May 15th from web
@Spooky_ yes, we can now officially toast to having over 2,000 members. i am also making that number up completely based on #LOFNOTC tweets.
10:42 PM May 15th from web in reply to Spooky_
@king_ink : honorary member of #LOFNOTC for finding perfect morrissey motto: “oh Christ, another stifled Friday night” off “Maladjusted”.
10:46 PM May 15th from web
we feel your pain, @KitCameo (I tried to go out 1 friday night, but I just ended up sitting in my car, alone, dressed as a pirate.) #LOFNOTC
10:47 PM May 15th from web
i am currently working on our club logo, in sharpie. #LOFNOTC
10:48 PM May 15th from web
ok, i’m almost ready to unveil my sharpie piece de resistance. #LOFNOTC
10:55 PM May 15th from web
10:55 PM May 15th from web
look at that. we actually took over the internet for a second. comrades of #LOFNOTC, this is a solemn but joyous occasion.
10:56 PM May 15th from web
http://twitpic.com/59h54 – i present to you….our official logo, comrades!!!!!!! (yes, that thing on the right is a pizza.) #LOFNOTC
10:58 PM May 15th from TwitPic
well done, minister @_becca: we’re FAMOUS!!! (this looks official? RT @twithority “New Twitter Trend: #lofnotc http://tinyurl.com/qxxqn5”)
11:09 PM May 15th from web
everybody re-tweet it: there is nothing for us Out There. ALL HAIL #LOFNOTC !!!
11:10 PM May 15th from web
@ravenofroses well, @bethofalltrades is looking into making shirts as we speak. she hates me now. #LOFNOTC will be my undoing. she’ll quit.
11:11 PM May 15th from web in reply to ravenofroses
RT: @UnavowedHeart “Ahhhh, I just got a phone call to go out…what do I do? I didn’t answer.” we’re all here for you. one night at a time.
11:12 PM May 15th from web
@daisiespushedup it’s ALWAYS a party on the internet. though little AFP is getting tired. might have to appoint an assassin to take me out.
11:24 PM May 15th from web in reply to daisiespushedup
@jackietherobot i’m kind of with you there. i’m about to leave #LOFNOTC for straight up wine.
11:24 PM May 15th from web in reply to jackietherobot
…it’s bursting into flames as quickly as it blossomed into being. i’m about to call a recess of the first successful session of #LOFNOTC
11:27 PM May 15th from web
OMG: #LOFNOTC is ABOVE star trek on the trending topics. holy shit. look at us.
11:27 PM May 15th from web
maybe i can’t abandon you. #LOFNOTC
11:27 PM May 15th from web
RT: @_becca because everyone who went to see star trek is out tonight. #LOFNOTC FTW (i agree: there is nothing for us Out There.)
11:29 PM May 15th from web
should point out that we’re beating the jonas brothers fan club. (but they’re all draftable into #LOFNOTC, since they’re all 12 & at home.)
11:31 PM May 15th from web
RT: @oscardewinter This reminds me. If ever you meet them, could you beat the Jonas Brothers for me?
11:33 PM May 15th from web
RT: ravenofroses huzzah! we should assimilate them. #LOFNOTC (agreed. we will draft them next week, luring them with soda. before bedtime.)
11:34 PM May 15th from web
#LOFNOTC embraces #jonasparanoid!!! all one!l all one!! there is no separation between us, jonas brothers and #LOFNOTC sisters. family.
11:36 PM May 15th from web
great. now we’re hipsters. RT @ricpts It’s getting too trendy. I’ll be back when it’s more intimate (like 27,000 or so).
11:37 PM May 15th from web
i’m very torn between packing it in and waiting for @trent_reznor to officially join our loser club when he gets online tonight. #LOFNOTC
11:38 PM May 15th from web
RT: @indecisean btw, watch this shit: http://www.wolframalpha.com (THIS is the trending topic trying to beat us?!?!? they’re going dowwwn).
11:42 PM May 15th from web
holy fuck. who knew. this shits amazing. http://www.wolframalpha.com. but seriously. anyone watching THIS on a friday night….well…
11:44 PM May 15th from web
THEY MUST BE ABSORED INTO #LOFNOTC. we’re such an equal opportunity club. jonas brothers fans AND sad math geeks. all are welcome.
11:45 PM May 15th from web
(RT @Bill_H @trent_reznor is currently onstage.) i sweat to god if he knew what he was missing, he’d take a set break and twitter….
11:46 PM May 15th from web
(RT @YelhsaRuth what about hipsters? are they welcome?) hipsters are especially welcome. they have a strong compulsion to belong somewhere.
11:48 PM May 15th from web
RT: @fatesapprentice – I think we should start a movement to pass the word on to @trent_reznor while he’s onstage.
11:49 PM May 15th from web
we could be the first twitter movement in history to halt an arena rock concert!! however, i think trent would be angry. #LOFNOTC
11:49 PM May 15th from web
wil wheaton has officially joined the losers.welcome, wil!! RT @wilw Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to join your club. #LOFNOTC
11:52 PM May 15th from web
RT: chickrawker @amandapalmer @trent_reznor is probably subconsciously twitching as we all tweet about him missing out on #LOFNOTC
11:54 PM May 15th from web
just took a hi-res photograph of my piece de resistance sharpie drawing for @bethofalltrades to make shirts with. #LOFNOTC 4eva
11:59 PM May 15th from web
(RT: @Mandaz087 will t-shirt and pony be mailed separately? or together?) t-shirt will come with pizza, vodka, masseuse, sweatpants & llama.
12:03 AM May 16th from web
will the assembly please submit ideas for the back of our t-shirt please? i shall brainstorm as well, hot sharpie in hand. #LOFNOTC
12:04 AM May 16th from web
oooh. this one is good: RT @emilynbrodsky DON’T STAND UP FOR WHAT’S RIGHT, STAY IN FOR WHAT’S WRONG. #LOFNOTC
12:09 AM May 16th from web
i am liking the idea of a flightless twitter bird holding an empty box of wine and wearily gazing at the sunrise. #LOFNOTC
12:11 AM May 16th from web
also good. subtle. RT: @cinikalstudios “I can’t, It’s Friday” #LOFNOTC
12:15 AM May 16th from web
i just invited @lefsetz into our club. loser just sent his daily lefsetz letter. invited, nothing. DRAFTED. #LOFNOTC
12:16 AM May 16th from web
(RT: mathpunk @amandapalmer dude i am a BLISSED OUT math nerd ok??? #lofnotc #wolframalpha) if only the jonas brothers fans were so vocal….
12:18 AM May 16th from web
@kitsun3 there is NO HONORARY MEMBERSHIP in #LOFNOTC for those on phones. you’re OUT. OUT.
12:21 AM May 16th from web in reply to kitsun3
@bethofalltrades just told me that @indecisean is making us a t-shirt order site right now. next, the world. ALL HAIL #LOFNOTC
12:23 AM May 16th from web
Lefsetz is in. Reznor is next. We’re on a fucking roll. Almost time for wine toast!!! (RT: @Lefsetz I stand accused, and INDUCTED!)
12:24 AM May 16th from web
two hours have passed since i sat down here and i have answered exactly none emails and cleaned exactly none apartment. #LOFNOTC ftw!!!!
12:31 AM May 16th from web
if you pronounce our name with a thick english accent it comes out as “laugh nazi”. what does this mean? profound #LOFNOTC
12:41 AM May 16th from web
@teresajusino dude. i swear i’m sober. i’m waiting for the wine toast, which is going to happen in about 5 minutes. everybody get glasses.
12:43 AM May 16th from web in reply to teresajusino
http://twitpic.com/59o34 – ok. consensus wins here at #LOFNOTC. i give you (drum roll…..) THE BACK OF THE SHIRT.
12:44 AM May 16th from TwitPic
picked out a chianti and finding corkscrew. #LOFNOTC
12:45 AM May 16th from web
did any of you read my blog about me going offline all next week?remember how i said this would occur?: http://bit.ly/mu8bW behold: #LOFNOTC
12:48 AM May 16th from web
oh no! #savethegame has taken #LOFNOTC’s #1 spot! time to take vengeance. one last re-tweet challenge before we toast….
12:49 AM May 16th from web
12:50 AM May 16th from web
@teresajusino dude. i swear i’m sober. i’m waiting for the wine toast, which is going to happen in about 5 minutes. everybody get glasses.
12:52 AM May 16th from web
@indecisean is officially honored w/ a purple heart for bravery for saving the comrades of #LOFNOTC by pointing out my twitter stupidity.
12:54 AM May 16th from web in reply to indecisean
2 minutes to toast. then this party is going to shut down until the next friday i have to clean my apartment. #LOFNOTC
12:57 AM May 16th from web
@Lefsetz you know you will mindlessly surf for hours. it is your nature, as a card-carrying member of #LOFNOTC.
12:58 AM May 16th from web in reply to Lefsetz
#LOFNOTC went from #1 on the charts to vanished. i think the twitter people realized our intentions were postmodern & they shut us down.
12:59 AM May 16th from web
one minute to wine toast. glasses ready? ARE YOU PROUD TO BE A #LOFNOTC ?????
1:00 AM May 16th from web
they heard our cries. we’re back on the charts. #LOFNOTC for the win. counting down. 30 seconds…..
1:02 AM May 16th from web
we’re at #2, but that’s where we belong, poetically. now. time for our toast. (clears throat). #LOFNOTC glasses HIGH!!!!!!
1:04 AM May 16th from web
dear friends, new and old. many of us are gathered here tonight because for too long, we have felt the shame. we all know it…
1:04 AM May 16th from web
…the jeers and the barely-stifled laughs as our so-called friends pack into revved up convertibles, headed for friday nights of vice….
1:06 AM May 16th from web
…leaving us to do what we do best: hide. and twitter. as they cavort in their bars and clubs and see their star treks and jonas brothers..
1:07 AM May 16th from web
…we secretly accomplish incredible things using the power of the internetz. they are none the wiser. we cannot blame them….
1:07 AM May 16th from web
….we must embrace them, we must love them, accept them, we must hold back their hair when they vomit in our toilets later tonight….
1:08 AM May 16th from web
….to all assembled!! i say: every night is friday night!!! every poor sod out on the eurotrash dance floor must come home at some point!!
1:09 AM May 16th from web
…and when they do, we will welcome them with the warm, non-partisan, loving arms of #LOFNOTC. my comrades!!! i say to you:
1:10 AM May 16th from web
1:11 AM May 16th from web
1:11 AM May 16th from web
http://twitpic.com/59pl5 – and with that, ladies and gentlemen….i take one final twitpic for you. good night, and good luck.
1:12 AM May 16th from TwitPic