Dresden Dolls


flailing flag from the front

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. this isn’t the blog that i wanted to write. the blog that i wanted to write was epic and profound and detailed and full of photographic images and reflections on...
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An Open Letter to Nick Vargelis

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   dear nick, when i got home earlier tonight i felt like shit. i have been traveling for almost a month straight. i know you don’t even know exactly what...
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the songwriter gets it.

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.         "one fucking false move and the songwriter gets it" self-portrait, hyde street studios, san fransicso 3:33 am, november 4th 2007. good godamn morning and happy daylight...
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me & the zombies

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   hola comrades, here is a video that chip and i shot last week in seattle. don’t ask. happy halloween. this week: seattle, los angeles, san francisco, santa fe, new...
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Moon Over Marin

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   Playing Moon over marin by the dead kennedys at paul’s warehouse in san francisco. shot by paul nathan himself. he also has watermelon and made me a bath. i...
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The Fucking Fringe Fucking Rocks

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. writing in planes seems to have become a habit, but it makes sense to me. i barely thought about blogging when i was in edinburgh and when i stop to...
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further deconstruction of umbrella & other news

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. i was in the chiropractor’s office while i was home, he wears a white turban and has a really long beard. in the waiting room there was a copy of...
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ella ella eh eh eh

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. i got home this morning. early; i took the red-eye from san francisco.i’m back in my apartment. drinking some weird vanilla-infused vodka that pope must have left here, because i...
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On Wrinkling

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. when you are constantly being photographed, and used to seeing photographs of yourself in candid and not-candid moments on a day-to- day basis, you get to know your face outside...
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and now the weather

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   and now the weather this is the sky right now in santa fe i am deliberately not paying too much attention to anything lest i implode. coming-back-together with brian,...
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