AFP songwriting seminar, webcasting live from berklee school of music.
UPDATE 7/18/11 – Watch at http://bit.ly/AFPlive71811 or with this embed:
hola betches !
i’m going to be at berklee school of music on monday (july 18th), teaching the young upstarts how i write songs, and we GONNA WEBCAST so the people of the world can feel out pain.
their summer music program is in full effect, and the victims of my seminar are all high-school age kids trying to wrap their heads around “how to write.”
like i know. this should be interesting.
so….honestly, i have no idea what i’m going to fucking say to them. i have nothing planned. it should, therefore, be an interesting webcast.
the whole thing is going down in the same beautiful performance space that i played with tristan allen, the berklee performance center, with a steinway concert grand piano.
the webcast quality (and sound) from berklee is always FANTASTIC, so tune in as i lay down some false wisdom on these unsuspecting youths. i’ll probably play 2-3 songs, speak a while about songwriting, then take a bunch of questions, and probably play some requests.
if you have any songwriting-specific questions, comment here on the blog, and i’ll try and answer them in the seminar. please don’t ask me super-basic questions like “how do you write a good song?” because i will just ignore you (because those are annoying questions). try to ask me good questions that will be interesting to me, and to the poor children.
here’s all the details about how to tune in and watch:
a few minutes before 3pm EST, head over to (as always) http://bit.ly/AFPlive71811. we’ll tweet a reminder before we go live but feel free to bookmark it, now…if you wanna know what time that works out to for you, click HERE and use this awesome time-chart.
plan on watching? please take a second to RSVP, HERE on facebook…