Truth & Consequences…full blog coming soon
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(public post)
hey guys –
you may have already seen the photos of thursday’s NYC Library Surprise on social media…but for those of you who missed it – i posed as a painted, nekkid living statue inspired by damian hirst’s “verity” and collected childrens’ books in a beautiful pedestal made of bookcases. i let neil title the piece of the day it happened…he picked “truth & consequences”.
(get it?)
there’s a whole album of quickie photos here:
i had kyle cassidy there as my official photog (and some other great photographers, krys fox, hayley rosemblum and more, got amazing shots) ….and i will put together a MASSIVO blog-post/webpage with the entire backstory, process, fantabulous shots.
PLUS (most important) the incredible time-lapse film of the whole day that michael pope is working on with his crew. it took THREE PEOPLE a total of SIX HOURS to do the paint job – and it was incredible, wait til you see it happen hour-by-hour. just awesomeness.
just letting you know it’s in the pipeline.
this would never ever have happened without patreon.
thank you for being here, for making weird-ass shit like this possible.
the world is amazing sometimes.
i love you.
p.s. this photo by jade sterling, via facebook.