the dresden dolls is 16, and prague photos
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hola comrades
AHHHH thank you prague – that was magnificent
i talked about it tonight and posted to the socials … the dresden dolls first record came out officially 16 years ago today. EEK.
you can listen to it here on bandcamp.
our first record: songs about freedom, pain, numbers, rebirth, inescapable ex-boyfriend jeeps, back pain, sexual perversion, insecurity, 9/11, split insides and how we can get through it all together. i love this band and i love brian viglione and it looks like there may be another dresden dolls project in store. just you wait. we are unstoppable.
if you have memories or feels about this record – please share them. i’m all ears. i have plenty of love to say about it but i’m too busy about to fall asleep on a bus barreling towards luxembourg.
the prague show was spectacular….intimate …much quieter and more subtle than the other recent nights in massive cavernous halls: this was a theater of 850 and you could hear a pin drop, it was so still.
please leave comments – i’m reading g. if you’re a new patron – WELCOME !!! it’s nice here.
quick before i fall asleep —
here are some pictures from the shintaido gathering we did with david franklin today in prague (ramen by emilie tondeur).
it felt apt to be with david today a he’s a good friend, an old friend, a dolls friend. he was there helping create our first two videos (coin-operated boy and girl anachronism ) and our friendship is part of the DNA of the band. he’s been living in czech for ages now….its always wonderful to see him
and we DID THIS
and here is the patron after-show photo:
collapsing now.
see you tomorrow in / from luxembourg.
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