extras needed for “rockstar” video shoot with wayne coyne!
hola comrades!!!
well, i’ve got some bad-ass news to share:
the band is about to shoot a video for “do it with a rockstar”
and it’s going to be a collaboration with wayne coyne…yes, this wayne coyne:
and it’s going to be shot in Oklahoma City in the psychedelic utopia of flaming-lips-land (where shit like this exists!!!!):
we need EXTRAS!
me and The Grand Theft Orchestra will be performing live in a venue somewhere in the city, and we need a crowd made up of freaks, nerds, and weirdos such as your fine selves, dressed up in your finest Grand Theft Attire.
wayne & his team have put up a website to collect emails from all of who’re interested in coming. the shoot will be on MONDAY AUGUST 6th from around 4pm-midnight(ish), but this type of thing can always run later…video shooting is always weird so be prepared for sitting around when shit breaks!!!
if you’re interested, when you email, please list any acting, performing, modeling, or otherwise useful experience you’ve had (or why that’s not important).
you can find more info/the email address at amandavswayne.com
there are a limited number of spaces, so act quick, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
from tour-land,
where i’m exhausted and sorry i haven’t blogged in a while i will but trust me shit is awesome,
no, seriously,
that’s a photo from UNDERWATER, last night at the very first kickstarter house party. it was hosted by @Weston_Verd and shit was BEAUTIFUL.