the amanda-tied-to-the-sydney-opera-house shoot is UP, go watch
IT’S UP. IT’S UP…!!!!!!!!!!!
the video shoot i did with Jim Batt – tied to sydney opera house – is UP.
clickenzee & watch me getting whipped by the tormenting winds of sydney harbor whilst playing the “ukulele anthem”…
it’s pretty beautiful. one take, moos.
(if the embed doesn’t work, click here and if your country blocks it for some reason, you might wanna try tunnelbear)
beautiful fact: the section of the opera house that we were filming in is literally called “THE CLEAVAGE.”
many MANY thanks to ben marshall, katrina lii, alex sinclair, tony david gray, and all the fine folks in the opera house crew…ALSO, all the volunteers who helped us cut the ribbons and helped tie me to the mast: ashley hawkes, xanthea o’connor, and shanti freed.
costume by tristan coumbe – hand-sewn on 48 hours NOTICE…because he is A GOD.
i ASKED to do it naked…
and given the rules about me being HARNESSED to the ground for safety reasons, i’m not sure i would have WANTED to be naked.
CHAFING. not so good.
but what is good…some photos from the shoot:
the one, the only, JIM BATT!!!
the series is Music at the House.
@SydOperaHouse is also on twitter.
(best opera house EVER.)