artistic wart removal

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BEST.NEWS.EVER. dolls @ inauguration.

will get  full details to you ASAFP, but the dresden dolls have just been confirmed to play the inauguration party at the 9:30 club in washington DC on tuesday night.


in possibly even better news, lee and i both realized we had warts tonight.
i went to the doctor today for my annual physical and EXCITING pap smear, and she told me to just buy freezy over-the-counter stuff.
on the contrary,  lee, my wonderful mean ol’ landlord who helps me fix everything, told me the best way to kill warts was to BURN them. in fact, he had one to fix himself.
so he worked on my warts for a while, but it looked like the burning wasn’t getting us anywhere (i love exact-o knives covered in acrylic paint carressing my flesh. i do.
it makes me feel like i ACTUALLY LIVE in an art commune.)

we had a full-on wart party. i freezed and he burned:

i love my life.
