the confessional has come to an end. AND…MELBOURNE, i’m doing an intimate charity q&a
(public post)
hey loves.
greetings from a very tired and very frazzled amanda. oh FUCK. dudes.
i am behind. and tired. and so so happy. i’ve been meaning to post every day since being down here in tasmania, but the scheduling has been back to back to back.
it’s been….jesus christ. it’s been harrowing and wonderful, actually. in the best way.
for any of you patrons who came to the confession booth, and i know you were legion…THANK YOU.
for the rest of you, i promise a non-scrambled report when i have my brain back.
and ON? OFF TOPIC?? for anyone coming to the show in launceston tomorrow or the melbourne show in a few days, it looks like io am going to force you to sing BEDS ARE BURNING with me, so please crank up your old CD players and practice the background chorus vocals. you think i am kidding, i am not. by request. we will film it in launceston and melbourne, and we will thing one of the filmings. whichever is stronger. so sing loud.
the time has come.
i have not been this emotionally exhausted in a long time. i have much to tell you but right now i am just fucking fried, you guys. fried.
and i;’m not even WITH my kid.
14 hours in this equal-opportunity confessional booth at the mona foma festival here in tasmania.
about 75 people – many patrons, many from launceston, but many from all over the earth…america, europe, malaysia, pakistan, south africa – came in here and bared their fucking souls to me.
there was a lot of crying. in both directions. and a lot of hugging. there was a lot of tea. some wine.
i am humbled and actually a bit overwhelmed. and i’m hard to overwhelm.
and i am really physically tired. but my heart is…..overflowing. exploding. done.
when i get time….i will write a huge blog & put the song out via usual channels and funded by the patreon. is important to say, because art never happens by magic; i would not have been able to afford to take a week to do this project without the financial support of all yall here.
…..it has been a really hard few weeks here in australia with the news at home and abroad……but i’m surrounded by hope and art. what can i say.
i slaved today and i have a new song. the song doesnt feel like the point.
the people feel like the point. the being with everybody feels like the point. the song feels like a lame party bag at the end of an epic party.
the song…is so sad and strange and it’s lonnnnnng. it’s a classic un-edited ramble. whatever. writing long songs is obviously easier than writing short ones.
i don’t even know if it’s good. it’s weird and it’s long and i’m going to play it tomorrow so tough noogies.
i am so tired and so raw.
i haven’t cried so much in a long time. 14 hours straight of listening to peoples stories and then a full day today of researching and songwriting. i have barely peed.
from the Australian yesterday….please enjoy the neighboring headlines, which are just perfect. i am truly surrounded by australian pain!
here’s another one…..from the examiner:
i am doing a little Q&A!!! the room only fits 400 people and the tickets are only $15, cheap on purpose, so i can connect with everybody and raise some dough for a good local cause:
you can ask me ANYTHING.
about life.
about the record.
about the patron.
about babies.
it’s January 25th at 2pm.
Fairfax Studio, Arts Centre
Tickets and more info:
here’s the FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/475637626718331/
i’m going to take all the dough – from every ticket, and eat the room expenses – and donate it to Firesticks ….
The Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation provides Indigenous leadership, advocacy and action to protect Country through cultural fire and land management practices.
….that’s it.
thanks for reading, buttercups.
see a lot of you tomorrow AT THE PRINCESS.
1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.
2. see All the Things i’ve made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things
3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland
4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/
5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net
Thurs. Jan 16 — Sat. Jan 18 – LAUNCESTON, TAS – Mona Foma Confessional
Mon. Jan 20 – LAUNCESTON, TAS – Princess Theatre, Mona Foma
Wed. Jan 22 – MELBOURNE, VIC – Hamer Hall
Fri. Jan 31 – BRISBANE, QLD – Brisbane Powerhouse
Sat. Feb 1 – BRISBANE, QLD – Brisbane Powerhouse
Fri. Feb 7 – CANBERRA, ACT – Canberra Theatre
Sat. Feb 8 – SPRINGWOOD, NSW – Blue Mountains Theatre
Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 – ADELAIDE, SA – Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe
Thurs. Feb 20 – SYDNEY, NSW – Enmore Theatre
Sat. Feb 22 – PERTH, WA – Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival
Sat. Feb 29 – DARWIN, NT – Darwin Entertainment Centre
Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 – AUCKLAND, NZ – Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale
Sat. March 14th – CHRISTCHURCH, NZ – The Piano
Mon. March 16th – WELLINGTON, NZ – St Peters Church, Wellington Fringe
ALL TICKETS: https://nointermission.amandapalmer.net