Dresden Dolls

o fuck my mouth has fallen into the john

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   i’d been slowly and carefully composing a new diary entry in my head, which involved long-winded and clever meditations on the nature of art and street performance and blah...
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imagine all the panic (!)

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   my body is heaving a kind of relief that it’s never known before. it’s so hard to relate to anyone, even those who know me well, the combination of...
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This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   i think i may start to blog purely in haiku o! camera phone nine billion megapixels that they cannot feel  
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femming out

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   we left the panic tour for a one-off show in san jose…flew out to california and spent, literally, about 16 hours in the state. the show was outdoors, and...
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panic! at the mindfuck

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   ……………………………. three days ago ……………………………. i’m on a plane on the way to washington DC, to start the panic at the disco tour. we’ll be opening for a band...
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i don’t have to go home but i can’t stay here

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   last night, for the first time in my life, i was actually awakened by two (well, i assume it was two) people having sex. sex like you read about,...
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This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   I had a dream last night that I was in Chicago, then took a subway to Japan and was suddenly in a tall observation tower in Washington DC. Down...
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This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   my friend ben chappel died last night. or early this morning, i’m not sure. he was at home in new york. emily called and told me. a few days...
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This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary. i never post direct follow-up blogs, but in case it just seemed to be necessary. i came home to boston from texas tonight, went out and drank with my housemates,...
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Music Is Poisoning Me

This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.   i used to listen to music all the time. it was like church. from the time i was really young, it was sit, sit sit, then later sit and...
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