
This blog was originally posted to The Dresden Dolls Diary.

i never post direct follow-up blogs, but in case it just seemed to be necessary.

i came home to boston from texas tonight, went out and drank with my housemates, caem home again, read all of your posts, and turned off my computer.

then i ran a bath.

then i i sang along to/danced in the kitchen to/lip-synched into the bathroom mirror to every single song from the smiths “the queen is dead”.
i stopped “mr shankley” and leanred the chords on piano. the bath sat there.

“the boy with the thorn in his side” had particular relevance.

then i took a lukewarm bath and kept listening. fine.

then i turned the computer on and wrote this.

now i’m going to bed.

there is a light and it never goes out

there is a light and it never goes out

there is a light and it never goes out

there is a light and it never goes out

there is a light and it never goes out….


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